Should we avoid artificial intelligence or is this field a great business resource for the country’s future?

Məhəmmədəli Abaszadə
5 min readAug 20, 2022


In this article, we will talk about artificial intelligence, its prospects for our country, its benefits, application, development in our country, and alternative solutions for this. And we will answer the question I asked above. Not lagging behind the world’s leading countries, Azerbaijan is moving forward with a very correct strategy regarding artificial intelligence systems. The Decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated April 19, 2021 on the development of the concept of “Smart City” and “Smart Village” is a living proof of this opinion. And as a result, not only in Europe, but also in our society, about artificial intelligence, it raises such a question: will these systems be as smart as us and replace us in our workplaces? If you read this article to the end, you will see that these systems are actually our friends.I guess that some readers may have such a question in their mind.

What is artificial intelligence that can become such a great business resource. Let’s look at it in very simple terms. Artificial intelligence is a system that can imitate human behavior to perform given tasks and gradually learn from the data it receives and or a car. I used this definition because people always think that these systems will replace them. These intelligent systems can sometimes be used in jobs that people cannot see with precision or in places that require a lot of mental time. let’s talk about what will happen.Most of us have probably heard of Harley Davidson. Using intelligent systems, the motorcycle company Harley-Davidson reduced the production time of a motorcycle from 23 days to approximately 6–8 days. production in the short term means higher productivity and greater business profits.For example, sensors and cameras, artificial intelligence systems can support maintaining order in city streets and crowded places. They can provide information in advance about any problem and help people working in this field.Robots written with these systems come to our aid in processes where human physical strength is not enough in the industry. In dangerous processes, these robots become bodyguards that do not allow human health to be put at any risk. Sometimes a person’s psychological condition can be bad and this can lead him to make mistakes in his work. That’s why expert systems will help you in the things you can make mistakes in your field. Who wouldn’t want such a system that supports him in his work? We may need some service areas at any time of the day. Smart systems in these service areas enable people to solve their problems quickly by doing some of their work after working hours. It prevents delays in the service sector and can improve the quality and continuity of the service. In the field of education and medicine, we know that there is a need for big data analysis. These systems that can analyze data can give some predictions to people and specialists . We can come to such a conclusion that these systems can create an opportunity to save people’s time, physical and mental strength. In addition, these systems help people in difficult tasks. They have the potential to be very useful for countries that use them economically. The increasing demand for these systems makes these devices not only It will also act as a great business resource for the countries that use it. I already think that these smart systems could endear themselves to you as you count these benefits and areas of application.Now let’s look at it from the perspective of an expert. Let’s look step by step at the approach of the countries that are considered to be the top of the world in technology. Our country’s strategy for innovative production and commercial opportunities with artificial intelligence is worthy of applause. Let’s think about the question of what we should do to further develop in this field. to answer, we will benefit from the experience and strategy of countries considered to be giants in the field of artificial intelligence. China, which is considered the second largest power in the world, is aiming for a 1.4 trillion industry based on artificial intelligence in 2030. What problems must be overcome for the growth of this field in our country?One of the first issues is the need for very large domestic and foreign investments in this field. In order for foreign companies to make huge investments in this field in our country, these systems must first have a certain ecosystem in the domestic market. No matter how good the projects of domestic companies are, the systems created by these companies there must be a demand in the economic market for it. Also, domestic companies need enough financial power and highly specialized personnel to keep up with the strong competition in the global economy in order to bring these systems to the global market.Let’s assume that the internal ecosystem wants to operate in the internal market first. At this time, such an issue arises that industry and production should also focus on the use of these systems. In addition to practical research, it is also very important to focus on scientific academic research. Creating a base is a serious step. But what kind of solutions can we think of for these listed issues?

For solutions, let’s look at the results achieved by the countries and the changes they made accordingly.Countries that have invested heavily in this field and some of their strategies have failed have begun to change their education systems in accordance with the demand of this field. There is a need to create research centers for artificial intelligence. Also, as much research as possible is directed towards this field. A laboratory for artificial intelligence will be built only with domestic capital. or, seeing that the creation of R&D centers was not enough, they began to attract large companies to conduct research in this field in their countries in order to strengthen them with the flow of foreign capital. This step made it possible to eliminate the shortcomings of their ecosystems for this field. The changes made in the education system also supported the elimination of the lack of highly specialized personnel, which was a problem we touched on a little earlier. its importance was proven. As a result, we relied on both the expert point of view and the experiences of countries to solve the issues we faced. We investigated what problems there are for the development of this field in our country and tried to find alternative solutions to these problems.

Mahammadali Abaszada

Many sources were used in the preparation of this analytical-research.

